How OpenStack Supports PaaS Clouds

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) is “the Developer’s Cloud” – a cloud computing service model that provides software developers with the tools they need to build and deploy applications, without the need to worry about managing infrastructure. OpenStack, though designed as an Infrastructure-as-a-Service platform has several PaaS systems that integrate with it. In this episode, Kumulus Tech CTO, Robert Starmer, discusses how this works and the options available to PaaS users – from the original build and deploy models, to the more full-featured “Infrastructure-as-Code” systems.

Click on the video above to watch!

Need a refresher/update on the what exactly PaaS is? Check out the 5MoC NIST Cloud Model review. Start with the overview: Part 1: The NIST Model or dive into the IaaS/PaaS/SaaS discusson: Part 3: Cloud Service Models.

Show Notes
Here are links to projects, software and services mentioned in the video:

Platform-as-a-Service offerings that run on OpenStack:
OpenStack native PaaS: OpenStack Solum
OpenStack compatible PaaS supported by @RedHat: OpenShift
OpenStack compatible PaaS supported by @Pivotal: Cloud Foundry

PaaS that also feature Infrastructure-as-Code functionality:
Digital Rebar – Supported by @RackN
OneOps – Supported by @WalmartLabs
Terraform – Supported by @HashiCorp