SaaS as an Enterprise Software Development Tool?

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is the Cloud Computing service model most are familiar with, but exactly what SaaS means is changing. SaaS is moving beyond the role of Storage, Office, Productivity, Messaging, etc. for enterprise users. We are starting to see some SaaS applications approaching PaaS-like functionality, where machine-to-machine, machine-to-human, and human-to-machine interactions are also of increasing importance for enterprise users. Join Kumulus Technologies CTO, Robert Starmer, as he explores what SaaS has been for the enterprise users, how it’s changing into an even more powerful tool for businesses.

Click on the video above to watch!

Need a refresher/update on the what exactly SaaS is? Check out the 5MoC NIST Cloud Model review. Start with the overview: Part 1: The NIST Model or dive into the IaaS/PaaS/SaaS discusson: Part 3: Cloud Service Models.