The new way to Build Cloud-native Applications

What are microservices? Do they have to be small? What do APIs have to do with all this? Microservice application architecture is the current favorite, new model for application development in general and Cloud-native applications in particular. But what are they, how do they work and why are they better …

Public Cloud is _not_ the answer.

The pundits are wrong. The Public vs Private vs Hybrid argument is sort of like arguing whether a truck, sedan or SUV is the car to own. Kumulus Technologies CTO, Robert Starmer, explains why like the car analogy, each deployment or service model has distinctive pros and cons that make …

Saas on OpenStack (Software-as-a-Service)

Using OpenStack to Support a SaaS Cloud

OpenStack is, first and foremost, built to provide an Infrastructure-as-a-Service, however, its versatility has lent it to breaking out of that box and being used to build and support both PaaS and SaaS clouds. In this episode Robert Starmer, the CTO of Kumulus Technologies discusses how SaaS works and how …

How OpenStack Supports PaaS Clouds

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) is “the Developer’s Cloud” – a cloud computing service model that provides software developers with the tools they need to build and deploy applications, without the need to worry about managing infrastructure. OpenStack, though designed as an Infrastructure-as-a-Service platform has several PaaS systems that integrate with it. In …

SaaS as an Enterprise Software Development Tool?

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is the Cloud Computing service model most are familiar with, but exactly what SaaS means is changing. SaaS is moving beyond the role of Storage, Office, Productivity, Messaging, etc. for enterprise users. We are starting to see some SaaS applications approaching PaaS-like functionality, where machine-to-machine, machine-to-human, and human-to-machine …

OpenStack Summit: Our experience with OpenStack IP Address Management (IPAM) APIs

We’ve been working with the Romana Project, an OpenStack-integrated software defined networking (SDN) solution to get their top notch IPAM solution to integrate with Neutron’s IPAM APIs. The journey was challenging, but the end result was worth the effort and provides a cloud-native SDN solution that integrates not only with …