The Ops/Dev Manifesto

We are operators and we have not been consumed by the Dev/Ops world. We still exist, and while we may look more similar than different, our application is the infrastructure that developers build on. We ensure platform stability, and API enabled accessibility, but not guaranteed availability. We provide visibility, but still simplicity of resource manipulation. We create infrastructure with code, but not the apps that consume it as code. We are Ops/Dev and we enable Dev/Ops.We are Ops/Dev and we enable Dev/Ops. #opsdevmanifesto Click To Tweet

We care about Agile, the platform we provide must be able to flex to a developers needs. We care about APIs, and work hard to ensure they’re consistent across the services developers want to automate. We care about ensuring resiliency, though we all agree that it is not possible to provide ultimate reliability. We care about abstraction, allowing developers to focus on their applications, rather than the specifics of the underlying platform. We care about infrastructure as code, and use code to manage infrastructure so that developers can write code to manipulate it.

We do not care about the specific application, or even the deployment model. We enable the container, virtual machine, or bare metal service you ask for, and connect it to a network that provides you the IP address needed to allow access, and remember all of your application on data storage that performs as you expect.

We are Ops/Dev and we enable Dev/Ops.We are operators and we have not been consumed by the #DevOps world. Click To Tweet