Istio – Service Mesh for Kubernetes and Cloud-native Systems

Microservices, especially cloud-native, container-based microservices have radically changed how applications are built and deployed. This shift has been driven by a number of positives that container-based microservices provide (eg. speed, portability, …). However, traditional monitoring tools don’t’ work with these new systems. The service mesh concept (and in particular the …

2018 Vancouver OpenStack Summit

2018 Vancouver OpenStack Summit – Its Not Just About OpenStack Anymore

If you’ve had a feeling that OpenStack was possibly not the star of its own show anymore, comparatively lackluster attendance, snarky tweets and a plethora of container-related talks may have confirmed it for you at this May’s Vancouver OpenStack summit. This disturbance in the force is perhaps tellingly reflected in …

OpenStack Kolla Tutorial – Multi-node IaaS Deployment and Upgrades

This OpenStack Kolla tutorial builds on our original single-node demo. You will learn how OpenStack Kolla enables you to containerize the OpenStack services you want to deploy as Docker Containers and automates deployment and management with Ansible. This video tutorial goes through the process, from building and managing your own …